Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh! Our Aching Backs!

This last week resulted in satisfactory progress. We still have quite a lot to do in order to get the house ready for market by the middle of February. We are probably being overzealous with that date, actually. More likely, we will have the house ready by the end of the 3rd week of February. My lease in my current residence ends the end of April, so it looks like we will be moving out to the Forest House for at least a short while (unless Father decides to help us get it sold in some expeditious, incredible way).

One of our challenges has been to give the house a "more friendly look" per instructions from the realtor. So, last Sunday, I worked on some miscellaneous projects involving "friendliness"--and some other miscellaneous, small projects because The Boy had many appointments to handle.

We went to Lowe's on Sunday a.m. and picked out rocks and pebbles for the front walk. I received instructions to place the rocks, and let The Boy open the pebbles and spread them, since each bag weighed 30-40 lbs., and we had 10 bags.

Receiving my instructions. (I get this face a lot.)

Of course, there was a lot to do, and in my zeal to actually contribute to this project, I went ahead with finishing the front walk.  Afterward, I sort-of dreaded having done so, with back pain for 2 days.  All in all, though, it was good for me.

The Front Walk (before)

The Front Walk (after)

Another View.  We will add the border on the edges.  Weren't sure we needed it, but now we feel we probably do.

The house at night. With "friendly" potted plants and a walk way.

As an attempt to save some doors, we are painting two doors that were previously painted an ugly brown. My job was to remove the paint from the glass with a razor blade:

French doors to solarium
Other doors to 2nd Solarium Room
After painting.  Removing paint from glass.

Other miscellaneous tasks for Sunday included repainting the wicker for the solarium and cleaning/decorating one of the solarium rooms.

This evening after work, I'll stop by Carpet Exchange and pick out some carpet for the stairs and the downstairs guest room.

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